Save the date for our Winter Agronomy Meetings with Ken Ferrie the first is Jan. 20, 2025 a mailing with details will be coming soon. The second meeting will be in Feb on the 27th. Make sure you come and learn what Ken has to say.
Save the date Donovan Farmers Coop annual stock holders meeting will be Jan. 29, 2025. Look for details coming to you in the mail soon!
Frontier has finally fixed the Donovan office main phone line 815-486-7325. If you cannot get thru on that line remeber we have 815-486-7326 and 7327.
As the harvest season winds down all Donovan Elevators will be open 7:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Reminder 7 days from date of delivery is the grace period, grain that has not been declared after 7 days is subject to being placed in Open Storage.
There is a lot of Ag Machinery vehicles on the roadways make sure to slow down and be Safe!!!!
Call Tim Ritzma for your fertilizer needs. 815-486-7377. If busy call the Donovan office at 815-486-7325.
For customers calling the Hooper office for cash bids or grain settlements, please contact the Donovan Office or Martinton Office for that information. Donovan 815-486-7325 Martinton 815-428-7513.