Donovan office phone lines have been acting up again with weather bringing in the moisture, if you cannot get thru call the Martinton office at 815-428-7513.
Save the date for our Winter Agronomy Meetings with Ken Ferrie Feb. 27, 2025 a mailing with details will be coming soon.
1099's and dividend checks have been mailed out, if you do not get this please call the Donovan Office 815-486-7325.
Frontier has finally fixed the Donovan office main phone line 815-486-7325. If you cannot get thru on that line remeber we have 815-486-7326 and 7327.
As the harvest season winds down all Donovan Elevators will be open 7:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Reminder 7 days from date of delivery is the grace period, grain that has not been declared after 7 days is subject to being placed in Open Storage.
There is a lot of Ag Machinery vehicles on the roadways make sure to slow down and be Safe!!!!
Call Tim Ritzma for your fertilizer needs. 815-486-7377. If busy call the Donovan office at 815-486-7325.
For customers calling the Hooper office for cash bids or grain settlements, please contact the Donovan Office or Martinton Office for that information. Donovan 815-486-7325 Martinton 815-428-7513.